I was quite excited and was all ready to usher him in... shampooed and all!

...the CD*O (Chief Decorating Officer)

...the CPO (Chief Praying Officer)
Pihu is our daughter. Born on 04 Sep 2006, we are seeing a miracle unfolding in front of our eyes!! From a completely dependent infant to a independent lady, who likes asserting herself to the entire world. We wish to share these beautiful moments with you. Read on... Proud parents, Nandita & Shibu
Well, the happiness did not end with one ice-cream. I pushed my luck, and asked him for one more with an expression I usually reserve for tough situations :-)
Needless to say, the idea worked & I got another one!! This time, I chose alphonso.
Nice :-) I am looking forward to more tests! Daddy has been recently certified on the MBTI. I may take that soon...
I did the procedure impeccably. The results were satisfactory.
That's it folks! Hope you enjoyed the commentary.
Daddy and I played the guitar in the evening . He is really funny and plays amazing shadow guitar, like rock stars :-) you gotta see him.