Thursday, December 27, 2012

My dadaji turned 78!

Recently, my dadji turned 78 years old! He is 72 years older than me!!
Isn't that amazing?

Usually, my dad's side is a little too subdued in celebrating events.
I have been able to change this by introducing the concept of cake cutting and getting together as a family.

I took Dad along to the market and selected a beautiful yellow cake (strawberry was not available)...

Dadaji was very happy when we surprised him with the cake, and had a wide smile on his face for the entire evening :-) It was worth the effort!

Best wishes to Dadaji for many more such happy birthday events!

Be healthy!

Both Daddy and me have decided to increase our health quotient!
Here's us after a long 21 kms run!
We look tired, but let me assure that it was a very satisfying experience...

Now that I think of it, it wasn't 21 kms. I guess it was 210 meters :-)
Just kidding!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Rock n Roll

The year is almost about to get over...
Seemingly, it has been an eventful year with economies going through financial crisis...

Daddy taught me that we should take all this in our stride, and move on in life...
The mantra is rock n roll!

If you really want to understand this fully, you need to 'just do it'!
You bend your body, and put your head on the ground. Done?

Now, you push the rest of your body ahead and roll :-)
Do it ith a big smile!

Tell me how you felt after doing this.
I am sure you would be feeling much better!

Whenever you feel low, try this technique.
It works! Always!