Friday, January 27, 2012

Hard work pays...

All these spelling tests that me and dad did, was a good experience.

Recently, some guys from MaRRS came to my school to conduct an inter-school competition.
The first round was done to select the children who would go to the next round...

I think I did well....
They gave me a certificate for it.

Daddy was told in the PTA that I will need to participate in the next level next month.
We will cross the bridge when we reach it, I guess :-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spelling test

These days, I am fascinated with spellings.

I must say that English is a funny language. I recently learnt that the word 'documents' is spelt the way it is...I thought it was 'do q mens'.

But since English is a language that you cannot do without, I have decided to put in some effort!

One of the ways I usually evaluate my performance is by putting myself through a rigorous testing process. So I enrolled daddy to prepare the test.

And quite a test he prepared, I must say!!
I had to really sit down, think carefully before I got started...

I was a little worked up initially, but then settled down as I gained confidence after attempting the first few words. I have a feeling that daddy was kind enough to throw in some easy words before increasing the difficulty levels...

As you would notice below, the final results were satisfactory...

This time, I surprised daddy by not asking him for an ice-cream, or a donut.
Instead, I asked him to read me a few books :-)

This was just a way to spend some quality time together...

Post script by Daddy: Apologies for this late entry. This test was attempted a few months back, but daddy procrastinated suitably and sat on this post suitably well...