Friday, November 16, 2007

A peaceful day in my life

After tea, I go for a stroll in my chariot, pulled by one of my slaves

Then I munch on some snacks, while multi-tasking with activities like pressing buttons on the TV, contribute to conversations (every single call) by taking the receiver & pressing some buttons.... I like 999999999999999 or 7979797979797979797979 or any such combinations!!

Quality time with Mamma :-)

A couple of walks in the bylanes of Indore....shouting baby at all children, posters of children & sometimes girls (much to Papa's embarassment & amusement)

I guess that just about sums up my day. I may have missed out some crib sessions when I was not allowed to do whatever I wanted, like climbing the stairs for the 100th time, not sleeping late into the night....

1 comment:

Amit and Lakshmi said...

we can see that the reporting is quite elaborate these days, good show Majsaab ! we liked your 'sportscar innovation' and also the 'we are good' series of photos amongst are doing a commendable job of helping us into your lives ! please do keep it up..the lady seems to be really big now, shouting 'baby' at other boys in particular..guess time to buy a shotgun !! by the way we could collaborate on that and buy a Winchester rifle together !