Ah, the joy of creating music!!!!
Or is it something else?
Pihu is our daughter. Born on 04 Sep 2006, we are seeing a miracle unfolding in front of our eyes!! From a completely dependent infant to a independent lady, who likes asserting herself to the entire world. We wish to share these beautiful moments with you. Read on... Proud parents, Nandita & Shibu
Good god ! a Beethoven in making, very nice that she likes the keys...the 'economy-being-down-diapers-selfesteem' blog was pretty neat ! :) the visitors are keen to see your blog, I think I will hold an 'exhibition' in a day or two !! :) Love to you all ! and by the way, things are quite undercontrol here now..
hehehe .... damn good musical location .... me 2 get the brightest khurafati ideas on the "throne" .. :)
Brave parents!. You do know that when she hits adolescence she's going to pick up this very note and use it to yell at you.
APSD, I am hoping that she forgives me...I am just trying to capture some nice memories. Aww come one!!
Or maybe I might use this against her, when she does not listen to me, as an adolescent!!
Lets see :-)
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