Sunday, November 30, 2008

Blood on the floor: Terror in Mumbai

We expect a lot of changes in the way things are... around us, in people... mostly external in nature.

Can we introspect & see what we can change within ourselves? Small things like giving & accepting bribes :-) I am sure that there were a few people, who were bribed, who provided support to the terrorists.

Can we be more concerned about others? Look at the news channels who were fighting with each other, to be the first to give the latest update on terrorist locations, how the NSG was conducting its ops... etc etc. Can we rise above this and not worry about who gets the credit, and do our job seriously!

I read this line somewhere... "Try and change yourself. That way when you go to bed at night, your sure that there's one less rascal on this earth"!!!

1 comment:

Amit and Lakshmi said...

This is the honesty that is needed from us if we call ourselves responsible citizens of a society. That is [arguably] the only way of making things around us better, whether it is our family, our organisation and ofcourse the society ..