Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009: Some views

Corporates are finding it difficult to manage cash-flows, business development...these times seem to be tough.

The road looks lonely...

Will companies survive?
What about the GDP? Will we be able to maintain 6%? And keep inflation in check, as well...

I guess there is no option but to rise & shine!

You may falter a few times... but these should be considered as learning experiences.

My advice to the corporate leaders is to give these tough times a tough fight!! Just a matter of hanging on for a couple of quarters.
Mushqil waqt commando sakht!!


Mina Menon said...

Hey a random visitor here.....ok not really random...I have your blog site in my "Favourites" List. Very rare to c a papa blogging abt his little gal...its usually mommies who does such honours!!! Kudos to the gr8 job!!
N esp loved this post of urs...The sync between the pics n its tag lines are amazingly good!!!

Shibu said...

Thanks Meena.
Keep dropping in. You are most welcome :-))