Sunday, February 15, 2009

My first certificate

Good news!!

Daddy came home quite late from office. Noooooooooo. Thats not the good news!! He was hiding something from me, and then slowly, he handed me a surprise gift and a certificate. This was for participating in the painting competition in his office. For those who came in late, I participated in a painting competition in daddy's office on 24th Dec, in my Santa attire....

I am happy!! Thanks Daddy and thanks L&T Financial Services!!
Thanks Sivaraman uncle and Kalra uncle for signing my certificate!!
You all made my day!!


Unknown said...


you got your first certificate.. that too signed by an EVP (doenst make much of a difference to you though)

Ask papa for a treat..

Anonymous said...

She's back wid a bang and HOW! :)) she's sooooo cute .. a million kisses and hugs for the little princess ..muah!


Anonymous said...

how is her health though ? i asked coz she's wearing a cardigan in the hot and humid weather of bombay..hope all is well ...

Shibu said...

Raju: The painting competition was a big treat. She roamed around the office like a big 'dada', got to work on my laptop, got gifts from the HR team, and got to travel from home to office in an auto (that was too much for her!!)

Anonymous: Yes, she is back with a bang!! She was down with a bad throat/cold/cough for a week.... recovered now :-))

Anonymous said...

Wow..That's brilliant. Congratulations!!!

Waiting to see more of your paintings...

Anonymous said...

How about thanking mamma for passing on her terrific talent with colours!! Those are certainly my genes :-)This is one dept where daddy can't contest..ha..haa

Nandita said...

The last anonymous comment was from me :-)

Guess Google got a little confused and did not publish correctly despite me logging on
