We took it easy after reaching our hotel... it was a heritage hotel. Everything was heritage...including the bathrooms, fans..... :-)
Dadduna went to fight with the hotel people for a room change, while I did some sketches
I am getting better at it everyday
I can now draw human caricatures, with eyes, nose and lips in the right places :-)
The families did a couple of points together.... we went to Echo Point, where me and Priyanka yelled a lot! I called our Dora and you know what! She responded!
Dadduna also acted as my horse. The good part about this horse was that he listened to my instructions quite well. I just had to pull his ears for getting his attention. And he sang my favourite songs like 'Nagaada baja'
I took a brief nap also on the way....
Day 2 was a little disappointing. It was raining cats and dogs, and monkeys as well!!
I had to sit in my room, sip tea, and generally relax
And Mammunya read me a couple of good stories. I especially like the story about the old lady in China...
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