I woke up early and got ready in time. So excited!!
I got to wear a green tee with black leggings. Daddy came to drop me off to school and then both mamma and daddy stood in line for an hour to get inside and get good seats. Nana Nani also joined in to watch the spectacular event!!
We did PT display as a group. I kept searching for mamma daddy in the huge crowd....
Then I noticed two people crazily waving their hands and shouting Pihu Pihu!!!
I was so happy to see them!!
The athletic events started after that... it was difficult to focus amidst so much noise!!
But focus I did! And ran the obstacle race with a lot of grace :-)
The second race was more lady like where we girls had to carry a 'lota' and go across...
Managed to locate mamma daddy again... they were so proud!
I presumed that it was a slow race and moved with a lot of grace and ensured that I did not allow anyone to come behind me!! But alas! It was not a slow race...
Mamma daddy were very proud of me and were waiting outside with a matching green balloon.
Overall, a very satisfying day!!
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